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An older woman and younger woman walking arm in arm in a supermarket

Help Age UK become Morrisons’ next charity partner

Together, we can build more caring communities and raise vital funds for over 120 local Age UKs across the country.

Morrisons employees are voting to select their next charity partner to support and Age UK is down to the final two to choose from! They will raise £10 million over 3 years.

Together, Age UK and Morrisons can build more caring communities and raise vital funds for over 120 local Age UKs across the country so older people get the support they urgently need. There's a local Age UK service or centre within 5 miles of every Morrisons store and site - meaning all money raised locally will stay locally supporting older people in their communities.  

2.1 million

2.1 million older people live in poverty and are amongst those worst hit by the cost-of-living crisis.

1 million

1 million older people often feel lonely – many going weeks without proper human contact.


Studies show that lonely older people are about 25% more likely to go on to develop dementia.

We need as many Morrisons employees to vote for Age UK as possible!

Morrisons employees can vote from Tuesday 4 June until 5pm on Sunday 16 June.

How you can help

Work for Morrisons? Vote Age UK!

Every Morrisons store is within 5 miles of a local Age UK service or centre. A vote for Age UK means all the money raised in Morrisons stores and sites goes to your local Age UK helping older people in your own community. You can vote for your next charity partner using a link available via My Morri, MorriChat and Team Talk as well as the email sent via Company Comms on 28 May and 4 June.

Know someone who works at Morrisons?

If you’ve got friends or family that work at Morrisons please ask them to vote for Age UK as their next charity partner! Older people are often forgotten and overlooked – every vote is a vote to show older people they are part of a community that cares.

Shop at Morrisons?

When you’re out shopping between 4-16 June, have a friendly chat at the checkout to tell them you support Age UK. A vote for Age UK is a vote for their local Age UK and older people in their local community. Older people are often forgotten and overlooked – this is Morrisons' chance to support older people in their local communities.

Show your support on social media

Please keep an eye out on Age UK’s social media channels and share our posts to help us get noticed by Morrisons colleagues. You could also share our vote video on social media below.

Thank you - together let’s build more caring communities.

Any questions, please get in touch:

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