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A illustration of the Euro trophy

Hold a Euro 2024 sweepstake

Draw your team, cross your fingers, and follow the action with a Euro 2024 sweepstake.

Join in the football fever by starting a Euro 2024 sweepstake with friends, family or colleagues. As well as adding some extra competition, you'll be raising funds for a great cause.

How do I get started?

  • Download and print out our Euro 2024 sweepstake pack, set a price per entry (eg. £3 - £5) and hold your draw. 
  • Follow the fortunes of your chosen teams throughout the tournament, and once the Euro final has reached full time, declare the winner! Present them with half the money collected and donate the other half to Age UK.

Can I get more support with my fundraising?

We're here to help

Get support from our dedicated team and handy hints and tips from our free Fundraising Guide.

How will my money help?

Your money will make a real difference to the lives of older people who need us the most, whether they’re experiencing loneliness, issues around care, or the challenges associated with the cost of living crisis.

How can I get more information?

We're here to help! If you have any questions about your fundraising, please pop us an email at

Stay safe while fundraising

Enjoy fundraising money in aid of Age UK, while taking time to ensure your fundraising is both safe and legal.

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