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General Election 2024

Age NI is calling on all candidates and political parties in this general election to Act4Age on the issues that matter to older people. Please take the time to read about older people’s 4 priority issues and pledge to support the 4 actions in the Act4Age campaign.

General Election pledge card

Download this pledge card to help you let candidates know about older people's priorities and ask if they will pledge to #Act4Age in the upcoming General Election.

Find a full list of the candidates in your area here.

Many of the candidates are sitting MLAs and Councillors or incumbent MPs and therefore have publicly available email addresses that can be accessed through an online search. Party offices have also agreed to forward campaign requests to candidates if emailed to their general email address, usually available on their websites.

Information for candidates

Download this summary of older people’s priority issues and the actions we need from MPs in the next UK parliament.


Last updated: Jun 26 2024

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