Payroll Giving
Make a donation to Age NI directly from your wages and you can benefit from tax relief too.
Payroll Giving is a scheme that enables employees to give to any UK charity straight from their gross salary and to receive immediate tax relief of up to £5 for every £10 donated.
Payroll Giving is an easy, tax effective way to support your charity so it costs employees less to give more. The system is easy to opt in or out of, giving you control over your donations.
To find out more log onto or contact Age NI. You can also speak to your employer about the scheme.
6 local charities work together through payroll giving

Age NI works with 5 other local charities in NI to promote payroll giving. Northern Ireland Charities Together, provides a unique opportunity to support 6 local charities with one donation.
With one regular gift you can help support: Age NI, Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke, ChildLine Northern Ireland, RNIB Northern Ireland, Clic Sargent Northern Ireland and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland.
Around 1,000 employees now donate through Northern Ireland Charities Together!
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